I don’t know who needs to hear this right now but SHOOT YOUR SHOT!

I’m seeing so many friends experience major glow ups, and yours could be next.

You don’t have to “feel ready” for your next opportunity to be ready for you.

I predict as the way work gets done continues to evolve, we’ll continue to see more and more talent big bets.

When the ground beneath us is shifty, they’re the only kind that tend to pay off. Why not make your dream team’s next one be YOU?

Bloom where you are planted, sure…but as you do, spread those seeds and shoot those shots along the way.

As the sagacious Jason Mayden said in Monday Night Mentorship last night:

“This is not a practice life”.

So get in the game already!

May be an image of 6 people and text that says 'CPR A TEACHER TO TEACHER RESUSCITATION TEACHERS AS EDUPRENEURS Care WE HOST COLLIN GEORGE BROWN APRIL 2023 A huddle that resuscitates our teacher's heart for teaching.'