It’s everywhere! If you can imagine, like this boy child. Thirsty enough, the world is ready for you more than before.

Our eyes met while I am in full procession through the tracks. And he stop stood up and started to come out of his make believe car. On a real road. On his make believe journey. I know what it’s like to imagine, be overwhelmed and a lil fraid to say to make and put it out there. But I have courage. I took my little bit and lend him in a smile…
Drive whey we going?

A want a lift please
Come chew
Vroom vroom
One hand on the clutch
he shifting gears
Where you want to go Ms Charles
Up town
You going bird rock way ?
Yes, Ms Charles
Vroom vroom
In my BUJU a voice
Whatever your mind can imagine
There is an opportunity to get it or make it.
Vroom Vroom
Driver Don’t stop at alllll