Title: “Reunion After Three Decades: Angela and Millicent Catch Up”

Angela: You, mean to say a gone so long and di health Center look di same

Me: mm iz #chue

Angela: “Aye, you?”

Millicent: “Angela, iz you dah?”

Angela: “How’s your husband doing?”

Millicent: “Aye never married to he, …. he’s with my daughter.”

Angela: “And your lil sister?”

Millicent: “She’s hanging in there, but, everbody else dead”

Angela: “Whey you going?”

Millicent: “Wuk, in di health Center does wuk.”

Angela: “Funny, Aye does wuk in diHealth Center in Antigua, in a gang. Where you people dem?”

Millicent: “Angela, you come home for good?”

Angela: *Offers a coy smile*

Me: “She’s been gone for 30 years.”

Millicent: “I know.”

Angela: “You look good man.”

Me: “Mommy, what’s her name? Millicent.”

Angela: “Looks like she works on the streets like me.”

Me: “Yeah”

Social engagement is a gift for mental health, could you imagine a SKN where we include all women in society.

Title: “Reunion After Three Decades: Angela and Millicent Catch Up”
