Great minds don’t just think alike, they challenge each other to think differently. That’s the foundation of true progress. Here are three key aspects of rethinking that I find crucial:
1. Debiasing Our Identities:
Rethinking means questioning our assumptions. Can a brilliant idea come from someone with opposing views? Can the correct calculations come from someone on the opposite side?
6/12x 100=50% was Aunty Sylvie Maths wrong?
In some instances did our leaders get a 50% increase
We need to create psychologically safe spaces where diverse perspectives are welcomed, not ostracized. and hushed
2. Listening Beyond Our Comfort Zone:
It’s easy to surround ourselves with echoes of our own beliefs. But true learning happens when we engage with opposing viewpoints.
Imagine someone dismissing a valid suggestion because it comes from an unexpected source. Have you ever been the person to give a brilliant idea… to have it ignored until it is stolen and repacked by the right person?
Rethinking means listening actively, even to ideas that challenge us.
This doesn’t mean blind acceptance, but it allows us to identify the
nugget of truth within a dissenting voice.
3. The Strength of Calm Reassessment:
Leaders who fear dissent often resort to silencing criticism. This is a recipe for disaster. Rethinking thrives in an environment where challenges are seen as opportunities to strengthen ideas, not personal attacks.
Dissecting an opposing argument, separating valid points from flawed logic. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
But when they cant challenge your argument they try tarnish your character
But rethinking isn’t about changing your mind on a whim. It’s about cultivating the intellectual humility:
Intellectual humility sounds like
“I don’t know. “
“You can be correct”
It’s about being an “Aunty Sylvie” – someone who can dismantle arguments with calm confidence and an openness to new perspectives. Main sure if Aunty Sylvie is open to his idea…
But she definitely open the ideas he presented.