There’s something magical about resilience. About joy that cannot be washed away.
Yesterday, I watched Angela—a woman who lives with mental illness—dance through life’s carnival, unbridled and free.
Just like the legendary Lord Kitchener sang about in “Rain-O-Rama”, some spirits simply refuse to be dampened.
It was Trinidad and MAS – had to play
The steel pans played.
The rain fell.
And still,
we celebrated.
Up dry river – on Pikerdeli
In a world that often tries to silence or sideline those who are different, this moment was revolutionary.
A space where seniors can jump, where my mother can be fully herself, where mental illness doesn’t define but instead colors the dance.
There was a little boy with down syndrome playing pan – and he real beating in front
Carnival isn’t just a celebration.
It’s resistance. It’s saying:
We are here. We belong.
We will play.
Rain or shine.

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