It is about how I feel not what other people might think. I am setting boundaries and letting go of my need to please, perform and be perfect. Because every time I got a chance to image myself enough society had already told me I am not perfect. And every attempt at every stage they keep repeating it.
Not her.
Who she think she be.
She playing more Dan what she be
So I am saying No and to my great horror
They question my sensibility
at not wanted my intellect, my beauty and my charm be used by users.
So I say no more.
I say no with a merriment.
No no no no no no
Like it’s a nursery song
I am not showing up with my consent to be used.
No. Is a full sentence that carries her own meaning.
Also I realize saying yes when I want to say no
Makes me a lil bit bitter
I am secretly resentful and pissed off.
And I am getting brave enough to say YES
And more importantly saying YES as is
not waiting until
They pick me
Saying yes to my potential to be great
Saying yes to the opportunity to tell stories
Saying yes to discomfort
Saying yes to boundaries
Saying yes to Growth
And not waiting until
I am more
A lot of times they tell you to wait until you are more.
But that’s not true
You don’t need to be more
We are beautifully imperfect
We are adequately enough
To say YES and NO