• Order of Service

Opening Sentence ……………………………………………… Rev Mark S. Christmas

Hymn……… All the changing Scenes of Life…………………Congregation

Prayer………………………………………………………….Rev Mark S. Christmas

Declaration of Purpose………………………………………… Rev Mark S. Christmas

Tribute in poem…………………………………………………… Ms Nadine Natta

Tribute in Song…………………………………………………….

Tribute in Music……………………………………………………

Tribute in Video……………………………………………………

Formal remembrance……………………………… Ms Micheleina Charles-Hazelle

Offertory Hymn………………………… He Hideth My Soul…………. Congregation

Responsive Reading Psalm 31:1-5……………………………………

The Epistle………………………2nd Timothy 4: 6-8………………… Larisia Mayers

The Gospel………………………John 14: 1-6……………………… Rhianna Mayers

Pastoral Message ……………………………………………Rev Mark S. Christmas

The Apostle’s Creed

Prayer of Thanksgiving


The Lord’s Payer (Sung)

Hymn……………………. I Surrender All………………………………Congregation


Recessional Hymn…………………………………… As the deer pants for the water

Interment in the Springfield Cemetery

I am the first family member to be able to write like this for the family. wow.
I am the first one with the literacy competency and courage. Ivy was not literate nor my mother, but something happen and I was. School, curiosity I dont know but I got it.