How we train adults into compliance, consumerism and hush isms
Kym came home from primary school and proudly showed his mom the cheap plastic trinkets she got for good behaviour.
Kym: “Mommy I stood quietly on the dot and so I got some tickets. And if I stand on the dot quietly tomorrow, I can get some more prizes!”
First grade! That’s one way to indoctrinate kids in both obedience, consumption please hush .
It’s rare we see it so brazenly and vividly executed.
As an educator I know most of us are not aware of the far reaching consequences of these types of people management techniques.
Is standing on a dot the thing we need to train children to do?
Has each of us spent too much time standing on dots already?
I stood quietly on the dot and:
– Got promoted ( di BIG wuk)
– Got to go on the work trip
– The minister (@ church and work) likes me
-So I got into the room- I am a leader –
So one of the fastest ways to get ahead is to ****stand quietly.***
If you keep standing quietly on the dot all you really win are plastic prizes.
NB* The idea of this post was inspired by Seth Godwin’s post 8/20/2023
Hi I am Micheleina
I am curious about building inclusive
communities that care
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