Can we teach  Fishing using TVET at school?

Can we teach Fishing using TVET at school?

What would happen if we issued certificates for fisherfolk work. Is it possible? As a TVET educator apart of my role is to 1. Re skilling 2. Up skilling 3. Skill identification The new work force coming from classroom and for people already working. What would happen...
Education is a WE sport

Education is a WE sport

A few hours before the Caribbean Secondary Examination Council ( henceforth, CSEC )Visual Arts first sitting. This is my 11th year in the game. My teaching skills has gotten better. However the difficulty index of the job has inflated. I feel like the difficulty to...
Teacher Transition

Teacher Transition

Ms Hanley is one of my younger colleague. A Social Science teacher. Who is in the middle of a transition from one career to another. She is a teacher -lawyer. She is making this change while teaching FULL time. WOW! A mother, a Teacher, A professional, A daughter and...
Note to Self

Note to Self

As little as 20 years ago being picked was done by gatekeepers of every sector. Being picked authorized you to do specific work, belong to specific tribes, fit certain roles, and be glorified. Today gatekeepers are still present but they have lost almost all their...


Is Care. These are my boys in the classroomSo I show up.I have to show up to see them and observed how they learn and what they know.The school classroom is not always a safe space for these kinda boysThese kinda boys rebel and repelAnd I am always amazed by how the...
Fishing game

Fishing game

Almost all villages that border the 68square miles of my island are considered subsistence fishing communities. Fishing and farming are the two industries my island has had for more than its 38 years of being a state. Subsistence saltwater fishing and farming have...