Garden to table in SKN

Garden to table in SKN

Sustainable living is doable in my communities. We can farm- to-table dining And so substitute the rice pasta and bread for real food. Between farmers giving from the hills and gardens hardly any of the food in the community well up my side is imported.
How to make our communities great again?

How to make our communities great again?

Care over time It is important that we Don’t fantasize “Care” And leave it in the abstract Care is attention Attention is the ability to focus. To focus is to have an interest in a persons or thing We are capable of making our communities GREAT again But solutions of...
A promise kept

A promise kept

Miss Esther does Pull thread through Using waste from the sewing floor Patch fabric Like she making Joseph Coat after the Israelites done leave Egypt Mindful stitching is Something to do Stitching is a kinda Therapy that moves the mind mouth and hands dem many elders...
Along the way

Along the way

She has walked with me in Hard and HIGH places Like we have hinds feet She announce the application She help me write every letter To dem to fix it. She carry a different tone What ever it is she is Infantry and commander When it comes to the good of MICHIE She has...
Mikey di Mastermind in McKnight.

Mikey di Mastermind in McKnight.

What you help a child to lov== Can be more important than what you Help her to learn Mikey is a master mind in McKnight He does do Street engineer (mechanical) Street procurement (he finds things for you like Amazon) and Performs a street MBA on the (business) He is A...