Confirmation Bias

Do You Suffer From Confirmation Bias Or Is Your Assessment Of A ‘Difficult’ Colleague True? Team building, team dynamics, team cohesion, team collaboration, team engagement, team ethos, team meetings, team management….. It’s all important to you as a leader and...
Community Safety

Community Safety

This the second murder in less than a month in the community. 1. First one in a family owned community restaurant. 2. Second in a active school district, ( victim education support staff) Second murder in less than a month in the community. I am awaiting the...
Boys in Books

Boys in Books

Brown skin Boys created a community And as a community They are in books Our children and young people are The succession plan For St.Kitts and Nevis How to invest in our succession plan – When you see good say it. It’s easy to take for granted these sightings....

Community Policing

Benefits of community policing An expanded outlook on crime control and prevention. Encouraging community members to become active problem-solvers. Educating the public on public safety issues. Decreased crime.
Comrade Leader

Comrade Leader

Dear Comrade Leader I had my content for today prepared! It was not this Last night deh send me the information about di old house to become a museum. I get it It’s Bradshaw’s house so it’s an important old house. He was great to the nation. Got you !!! Today they...
Shoot your shot

Shoot your shot

I don’t know who needs to hear this right now but SHOOT YOUR SHOT! I’m seeing so many friends experience major glow ups, and yours could be next. You don’t have to “feel ready” for your next opportunity to be ready for you. I predict as the way work gets done...