Go for it

We need to stop undervaluing our worth and undercharging for our services! Me – “Go for that thing you want in 5 years right now.” Them – “But what if I don’t get it?” Me – “What would happen if you didn’t try?” Them – “I wouldn’t get...
I am

I am

Who you are is never only informed by you. It’s often those around you who assist in the construction of self identity. Self theory is a set of ideas a person has about her self and the perception of the relationships she has with others and the other aspects of life...

She is difficult

Do You Suffer From Confirmation Bias Or Is Your Assessment Of A ‘Difficult’ Colleague True? Team building, team dynamics, team cohesion, team collaboration, team engagement, team ethos, team meetings, team management….. It’s all important to you as a leader and...
It changes

It changes

The world changes and we have a choice: • Fight hard to keep it the way it was. • Notice what happened and then decide to do something with that insight. Absolutely nothing remains the same – to understand that is a power!

Education is life

Education is not preparation for life Education is life Life is like school If you keep showing up You will cause change bit by bit