
If your only contribution is criticism, cynicism and fear-mongering. If you are criticizing me from a place where you are not also putting yourself on the line. If you are not taking risk and making change Your seat in the arena is CHEAP. I’m not interested in...
Giants don’t automatically win

Giants don’t automatically win

When we see a Giant we automatically assume the battle is hers for the winning. But a giant can’t move as much as or as quickly as the underdog. We think of underdog victories as improbable events, that’s why when we win it resonates so deeply. Don’t count yourself...
The Gorilla War

The Gorilla War

I have taken to observing leadership. leadership across the world and in particular leadership as it is done in the Caribbean. This man is extremely peculiar to me. 1. I choose to look at him through my own lens. Not the he bad, tief and terrible… labor is good all di...


Life will ask you who you are. If you can not answer life will tell you who you are. I am Ivy’s grand daughter. Ivy was brave. Braving is the tool that helps us manure the herd knowing my life’s work and my worth is not negotiated in the crowd I carry my...

Make a mistake

If you are constantly avoiding errors you do not live. So, go and make some mistakes Make many measured mistakes Make many unmeasured mistakes It is the surest way to know and accept your self.
The cost of courage

The cost of courage

Classism is an old human habit and like all human habits, it will take a long time to die. Classism is kept alive like most social ills because it serves the purpose to distinguish upper middle and lower among people sharing a common space. I am better because… I am...