by MCH | Aug 13, 2022 | Courage
Nothing is stable in the realm of Power. The closest of friends can be transformed into the worst enemies. Men seated in high places can be ousted and have their chairs taken. Make your own self a genius with God and chance.
by MCH | Aug 9, 2022 | Community, Courage
People feel superior to the persons whose actions they can predict. Show them you are in control of you by acting against their expectations. When you behave against their expectation it earns you respect. 123… breath, think, then...
by MCH | Aug 9, 2022 | Courage, Education
People feel superior to the persons whose actions they can predict. Show them you are in control of you by acting against their expectations. When you behave against their expectation it earns you respect. 123… breath, think, then...
by MCH | Aug 7, 2022 | Courage
The surest ways to build success is slow and steady. 1 % Luck 1% Talent 98% Consistency. If your rate of growth/improvement is slow it is ok. keep going.
by MCH | Aug 6, 2022 | Community
To gain mastery of a skill requires work over time. Work over time is the natural equation for power. However, we humans shrink from anything that seems possibly painful or overtly difficult. We practice skills with the mindset of hard avoid it easy means do it again...
by MCH | Jul 28, 2022 | Community, Courage
Winners don’t always start out winning. I remember she was a baby among us as young women competing for the national talented teen competition. She didn’t win at first. She went away, did the work and now she is unstoppable. When I saw her entry into the national...