The school year has ended.

The school year is over. It has been a rough year. For the first two terms the students came in on shifts The third term they came in all day Yesterday I left work empty, tired and ready to rest. When asked if I will be coming back on Monday to finish the work. I...

The new comer

The paradox of most tightly-knit communities is that they have an internal culture. And that culture often makes it difficult for a new person to join. It’s hard to have insiders if you don’t have outsiders. This is true for guilds of copy editors, fans of anime or...


If you want to leap forward, you’ll need to ship things before they’re perfect, mostly to people who want to buy them before they are. I am writing a book and I am so scared. I know the fear is not real but. I image all these things going wrong. The book not being...


Show up not ready Show up not ready Show up not ready Show up getting ready Show up not ready Show up getting ready Show up getting ready Show up ready Show up prepared Show up tired Show up scared Show up knowing Show up not knowing Show up together Show up alone...

The reputation game

You can either choose to ignore what otherssay about you, or acknowledge it and make it work for you. I am Micheleina and I enjoy creating my person intentionally.


The more you commit to outside of your own agenda is time you take from servicing your intention. So a practice of saying no to things that do not benefit you is actually saying yes to the practice of building the life you want and intent to have. A few weeks ago not...