
After days of going to meet the deadlines, which my children are still no where near meeting. I opted to check in with myself. This was more than tiredness. I can feel my body, my mind, energy depleted But I still felt as if I need to show up And although I am giving...


I am at that stage in my teaching career. Where nothing is new. But everything is exhausting. I buried my grandmother in January and we are at the end of March 2022. I took care of granny for several months. There were no limits. I poured all of myself into her care....

The Overwhelmed Teacher

The Overwhelmed Teacher The overwhelmed teacher does more than the time and supplies given to her to complete the task. We think constantly about squeezing more into already packed days. Yet these types of personal vs professional self conflicts are normalized in the...

International day of happiness

Recently a journalist approached me for an interview. I thought, well wow. She asked me about, my work and what makes me happy. We had a conversation and I indicated to her that, being thankful and present with my gratitude makes me happy. Listen more. It is a really...

Teaching Tired

Being a classroom teacher is a job. That causes you to care. You care about the potential of your students, you care about meeting your deliverables, ( testing, grading, administrative recording, contacting parents, connecting with students, motivating students and...

Writing for Social Change

Writing for Social Change. Micheleina’s love for writing didn’t come easily or naturally. It was borne somewhat out of necessity, as a means to identify and release the tension around her. She also writes daily...