
Granny had a series of small strokesI noticedI got scaredI took her to the clinicthey said she speaks with a slurI said it is incomprehensiblethey said it is oki went homewe went hometoday I called the ERI said my granny is having a strokethey said maybe notI said...

She is going

I am sitting next to hershe is goingI realise how quickly her condition is decliningshe cant even hold up her head todayno talkjust tremorsI am sitting next to her

Hospital Visit

Today when I got thereshe really can not moveso there were flies around her the strokehas left her moth ajar some what when i wet it and put on lip gloss to keep it mositeshe would bite down- but she is to weak to inflict any harmso i saw the flies and I was likethe...

I lost a teacher

Teachers occupy a vital jobs our societies. We must ensure their work is appreciated recorded properly. Let us #InvestInTeachers so they can keep impacting lives and building peaceful societies strong in identity and purpose.Yesterday I lost my grandmother and I lost...
Burial Service

Burial Service

Order of Service Opening Sentence ……………………………………………… Rev Mark S. Christmas Hymn……… All the changing Scenes of Life…………………Congregation Prayer………………………………………………………….Rev Mark S. Christmas Declaration of Purpose………………………………………… Rev Mark S. Christmas Tribute in...


A use to feel like is just me and IVY, fighting to walk di journey. But the truth is I was NEVER alone taking care of Ivy. All of us was taking care of IVY and Ivy was doing her best to take care of herself before I was born. Everybody who did ghi her a $1.00 was...