CARICOM Youth Ambassadors SKN celebrates MCH on WID 2023

The CARICOM Youth Ambassadors SKN celebrates International Women’s Day 2023 by acknowledging Ms. Micheleina Charles Hazelle for her efforts towards transforming the landscape for educators. Micheleina Charles-Hazelle is a community activist with a heart for education....


MCH is a social enterprise that is MAKING CHANGE HAPPEN in community. Social enterprise means doing business to bring about change more than to generate a profit Just a lil bit of goodness has the potential to make change happen. MCH = MAKING CHANGE HAPPEN #MCH...


Being a principal is probably one of the hardest job on the planet. 1. The education system is a difficult terrain. 2. Your teachers often feel ( she don’t stand up for us) she always a come say di ministry say. 3. Allegedly the ministry of Education always a say (...
Ignore your weakness

Ignore your weakness

When faced with difficulties and deficiencies instead of strengths and privilege Ignore your weakness and and it is not beneficial to mimic others Find out who you are and be her It takes courage daily to show up in my name daily MCH My strategy is to focus my...


How to use tension to create behavior change in Education? Who will be my allies? Where will I get the monies to create change in Education? How you use tension to get the stakeholders in Education to reimagine education as priority. How will I use tension to build...