
How to use tension to create behavior change in Education? Who will be my allies? Where will I get the monies to create change in Education? How you use tension to get the stakeholders in Education to reimagine education as priority. How will I use tension to build...
A, B, C, What?

A, B, C, What?

“Boxer could not get beyond the letter D. He would trace out A,B,C,D, in the dust with his hoof(boxer was a workhorse, so he didn’t have foot he had hoof) and then would stand staring at the letters with his ears back, sometimes shaking for head trying with all his...


If your only contribution is criticism, cynicism and fear-mongering. If you are criticizing me from a place where you are not also putting yourself on the line. If you are not taking risk and making change Your seat in the arena is CHEAP. I’m not interested in...


Life will ask you who you are. If you can not answer life will tell you who you are. I am Ivy’s grand daughter. Ivy was brave. Braving is the tool that helps us manure the herd knowing my life’s work and my worth is not negotiated in the crowd I carry my...
Fear is over-rated

Fear is over-rated

We choose not to be remarkable because we are worried about the critics.Being outstanding is necessary.Look at Mr. Hodge’s socks. It’s simply genius. I am certain you can’t unsee how distinguishing his difference is now that you saw pink at the bottom.Fear is over...
10,000 hours

10,000 hours

To gain mastery of a skill requires work over time. Work over time is the natural equation for power. However, we humans shrink from anything that seems possibly painful or overtly difficult. We practice skills with the mindset of hard avoid it easy means do it again...