by MCH | Jul 20, 2022 | Community
There is a pull for togetherness we all yearn for even the most confident loner. Together is the human resource we thrive on The resource of us decreases the difficulty index of accomplishment When all hands on di net, our sum total is always more Each one bringing a...
by MCH | Jul 16, 2022 | Community
We edit our power because we have been trained to believe our power carries too much possibilities for us reflect at the ways you are editing your powers and possibilities your opportunity is to decide who you intend to be the space I suggest you show up with your...
by MCH | Jul 15, 2022 | Community
Life is a game. Thus the ability to control your emotional self is one of the initial skills of winning. Keep your ego in check and do the work. Mastery is available through the work over time. work/time =power We are born with the capability to master what we desire...
by MCH | Jul 14, 2022 | Community
Without people pushing against your quest quest to do something worth talking about, it’s unlikely to be worth the journey . Persist.
by MCH | Jul 13, 2022 | Community
Scarcity is created from a mindset that there is not enough Because life is abundant The sun shines for everyone The air is more than sufficient for all The rain falls on everyone’s house Life is abundant Scarcity is self serving Competing comes from an idea of...
by MCH | Jul 12, 2022 | Community
Knowing yourself is the begin of wisdom. Knowing yourself protects your focus, when you know who you are it becomes harder to be distracted by offense. Knowing who you are protects you from reactions. Knowing who you are allows you to make calculated actions that...