Ambition is systematically oppressed to keep you in your PLACE

or at least the place the powerful sees fit for you

Nevertheless, we are all entitled to ambition.

Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something,

typically requiring determination and hard work.

They will place impediments on your way to the goal,

You will make mistakes

making mistakes and failing isn’t fatal… if we are willing to learn from it

Human nature tries to hold onto its leverage and tries to hold onto its supremacy

The powerful are weaken when new voices are added to the conversation

Their power is weakened when the oppressed takes courage to push back.

People in power want to stay in power.

So, if your ambition takes you to close to their seat of power

You will be perceived as a threat and there is no welcome party for threats.

The experience of being threated as a threat is horrible

But it is also a part of the process of getting to your purpose.

Take notes and push through it.