In the midst of dynamic conversations on transitioning from the classroom to the boardroom,
A teacher interrupted to share a snippet of gossip she overheard from teachers gathered on a bench. Let’s call them the benchers*
These women are a mix of should be mentors and young teachers, robbing themselves of the potential into innovate teaching practices, contribute positively to the school culture in meaningful ways.
Anyways with a subtle smile, I calmly asked,
“Did they pronounce my name correctly?
It’s Micheleina, and details matter.”
Leveraging gossip strategically, becomes a powerful tool for free brand promotion—a sort of Chinese whisper, the most potent marketing technique.
The benchers are apart of my marketing team.
Let’s put some respect to their gathering and call dem “The board of Benchers”
Not everyone can recognize a star
and present gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
but we’re grateful for all contributions to success.
2 hours later while strolling through the community, an elder sought my assistance with social media.
“I see you on it, and I want to be on too,”
he said.
We set his account, and he left pleased.
An hour later while in the community, another
elder, having heard about me from my work, used his son to identify me then approached
Young lady, is you? Is you does be talking and writing? I listen to you.
“ You are hope for this country.” He hugged me into a lift and twirled me in the middle of the street.
Be strong; they will try to eliminate you,
but shine we need young brave and bright ones like you.
Some teachers called me “crazy,” hoping to dim my light. But their bench seats a cheap. They are not in the arena doing anything remarkable.
A heavy equipment driving instructor sees me as a social media guru and Ms. Useful. More importantly he saw me as someone who he can ask for help to be included.
Then a community elder saw me as HOPE.
In one day- I got feedback from three different perspectives of me.
All THREE of them are CORRECT
Their perspectives of me is TRUE for them.
It’s not wise to try and change anyone’s perspective. It’s only sensible to ask myself …
How to use it? How to use it?
How to use this feedback
Regardless of how they choose to see my light. Visibility is a GIFT.
Visibility is a gift – the responsible of the woman who has the attention of the masses is to use it… to create the outcome she wants.
Not to try to defend her virtue or
Change the mind of man
Don’t emote to the slander
Praise and Gossip is the same gift –
The key is to use it to an expected end