Who you are is never only informed by you.
It’s often those around you who assist in the construction of self identity.
Self theory is a set of ideas a person has about her self and the perception of the relationships she has with others and the other aspects of life (Carl Rogers)
Be mindful who you ***let***tell you who you are:
Those who want me to not be say:
1. She crazy
2. She confusion
3. She self aggrandizing (she full a she self)
Those who are not threaten by me say:
1. Thanks for showing up. We see you, your leadership and your voice matters.
2. I respect you and what you are doing
3. You are informing the landscape of education in this country
Papi: you are not one dimensional you come from leaders, you come from this thing so you have to do the thing. So what I want you do for me is…
Me: me uncle papi… yes you
Jehovah never give I more dan what I can carry.
Education across the generations tell you who you are but be careful with who you give permission to identify you, because who they identify you influence how you recognize your self.
I am MCH and more!

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