I failed again.
Attempt no.3
Look at my finger prints it’s like hard on the outside and a weird texture on the inside.
The other one I am considering vanishing it to make it art.
How does FEAR of failure stop you from pursuing outcomes?
I am about to start making a next Baking Bread
I am excited to see if this one fails and how it fails.
I am gathering data
I am building skills
I am vulnerable
I hope you are appreciating it’s ok to fail
My life is not pristine most days it’s not perfect.
But I will learn to make bread just watch me.
Elizabeth Zakers I am going to try those roles now.
This is a small example of what showing up everyday feels and look like.
But these parts not insta and Facebook worthy.
I am NOT a perfect!
I am not pristine
I don’t have my shit together
But I am worth the effort.
I am worth showing up.
So I show up Charissa Caesar
Keimon Archibald-Lake our hearts are made strong because we show up.
Kymbella Moscato we can lend strength from the decades of showing up.
And it’s in the lessons we learned along the way we are capable of showing women folk the ways up Malika Thompson-Cenac.
Learning is an incredible act of bravery