Dear Parents, Principals and School people,

It is easy to take a nice picture and be HYPE and boasy about your school and celebrate the HIGH awards. But di chiren who often get them high awards are 90% self motivated, have parental support and whole heap a resources at home and in there community. 85% of the time the children equipped to do well are who do well.

However, what happens to the other children?

It’s 10 students start 1st form but at best you hear about 2-3 success. I teach visuals arts and at first most people wouldn’t perceive reading, phonics, writing, doing, talking, thinking, listening and more are the requirement for learning visual arts. However, Visual Arts require ten times more reading and critical thinking than English. English is taught from a text book, while art needs a cognitive, affective and doing approach every class. It’s at best a practice. The other subjects can claim to be like that. But you can get good grades just mimicking the teacher.

However, in Art you have to use the rules to think differently and do so every session and extra session. 93% of all the children I teach, their creative talents are NOT evident to me. Also, its one a me and a lot of dem racing the course against time to get work done. But what I do notice, is the challenges of the learner in the classroom. The ordinary language and literacy challenges. If deh can’t read or don’t have an understanding of basic words. What to do? Some would say just ghi dem something to make wid deh hand dem.

Yesterday’s lesson: The planning of making a Business Card

Man we wuk on dis. And the challenge was vocabulary, comprehension and phonetic awareness and skills. They might be willing to attempt the work if they were literate and had literacy rich environments at home. So I teaching literacy in the Art lessons.

1. Name of business

2. Type of business

3. Services offered

You swear is physics I was teaching.

BUT I want to know TEACHING and learning does happen home?????????

1. Is only teacher to teach in classroom?

2. Who suppose to teach after teacher teach?