Literacy is a bridge over poverty. Ask me I walk over it daily. At a very young age I was reading for the whole house. I think the reason I learn to read is because I was FASSSS. I use to like to mind di people in Yolan shop business and carry it back school go tell teacher. So I did understand everything in social studies from in di shop and on di street. Today a still reading and writing for us. I remember one time me and Angela (my other mother) went a place and we had to write. She walked away from me to ask someone to help us and write out the things on paper. I said mommy I got this. Lol she asked, “Well Michele, you could write good?” I say I could write a lil bit and I did the do and she was quite fascinated, thankful even and proud that at least one of her children are literate .She has not the slightest idea how competent I am. Because when I show up. I am just her daughter. Go into the squala with her and we be. I cook on table top stove, carry water normal, bath outside and borrow sugar and beg matches to light stove . God send me. So I is not to act like I send meh self. Cause if it was up to me main sure I have strength to stay in it even now. So, Angela is most pleased to have a reading child. She can use her reading child to read for her like the app does read for people on computer. A reading child does change di potential of a whole family.