What you help a child to lov==
Can be more important than what you
Help her to learn
Mikey is a master mind in McKnight
He does do
Street engineer (mechanical)
Street procurement (he finds things for you like Amazon) and
Performs a street MBA on the (business)
He is
A man called to his own genius
Fixing things
Getting things
Selling things and services
He has created an informal industry
As a teacher it’s hard to teacher children like Mikey
They are individuals
In a system created to push
Group think and group doing
But His individuality
Permits him to create and do
He doesn’t seem interested in the
Being part of society
Mickey seems to exist in his own freedom
There is a need to teach more Mickeys
We have to turn community streets into community classrooms. Because people like Mickey
Are keeping the community financial system from crashing
He makes monies in the communities
From the communities and spend it back into the communities. Because he loves it here
So he has learned to keep it alive,
by engineering, procuring, fixing and making.