Rest is required to maintain a HIGH quality work product. Rest is also needed to sustain a healthy life. Additionally, doing nothing for one day of the week is also considered an act of worship by all the major Abrahamic religions.
This day is mentioned again in Exodus, in the fourth commandment to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. The command was to “remember” the Sabbath (which means they would have already known about it) and to “keep it holy” by pausing from their work, just as God did.
In 2014, British journalist Claudia Hammond in her book the art of rest suggest people should start taking rest seriously as a method of self-care, citing her findings that the amount of rest one gets is directly linked to one’s sense of well-being.
Additionally, over fifty years of research from sleep experts has indicated that rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism.
So, I am been trying to institute a rest day in my week. I have not been super successful but a whole day of rest is definitely on my vision board.