Do You Suffer From Confirmation Bias Or Is Your Assessment Of A ‘Difficult’ Colleague True?
Team building, team dynamics, team cohesion, team collaboration, team engagement, team ethos, team meetings, team management….. It’s all important to you as a leader and as part of organisation growth.
But it can all be derailed by the so called ‘difficult’ colleagues on your team especially if they aren’t really difficult, but that’s what you see and therefore how you treat them.
So, have you ever listened in to how another manager, or even a friend of yours talks about a person they don’t like, can’t get on with, or don’t respect? It’s not in glowing terms is it?
But did you ever really pay attention to what your friend or that manager focused on?
You will hear a combination of :
underhanded motives
conspiracy theories
and downright anger toward that other person, even if none of this was there.
The content of this post was written by Elaine Blidgeon