Campaigns of intimidation involve deliberate tactics to instill fear and coercion in individuals or groups. Even if the majority disagrees, such campaigns can thrive because of the assumption that silence signifies agreement.

Think about how much the spiral of silence reigns supreme at work.

The spiral of silence refers to the tendency of individuals to remain silent or withhold their opinions when they perceive that their views are in the minority, while those in the majority express their opinions more freely.

The individual in community is motivated to stay silent about the things that matter to them because they fear isolation. This results in social conformity and here is where diversity of ideas go to die. In the whole spiral of silence.

To challenge beliefs, is important for community progress. To have individuals like MCH who speak their minds respectfully, even if they face consequences such as being fired or exclusion.

Breaking consensus can lead to both punishment and opportunities for leadership.

We protect the credibility of communityy by holding space for dissent as an expression of rational thinking.

Dissent means opinions which are different from the popular or opinion held by the powerful.

Disagreement is evitable.

How do we treat those who openly disagree with us?

My lived experience is teaching me to appreciate diverse perspectives is a superpower.

meaningful work often requires emotional labor and the willingness to navigate difficult or uncomfortable situations.

What discomfort are you willing to embrace for change?


#Making change happen

