Classism is an old human habit and like all human habits, it will take a long time to die.

Classism is kept alive like most social ills because it serves the purpose to distinguish upper middle and lower among people sharing a common space.

I am better because…

I am deserving because…

My father is so….

My mother is so…

I will write books of my many experiences

of prejudice, meanness, classism, and permission.

How the worth and belonging of the individual are negotiated by a “few.” At least they try.

The cultural and professional acts of putting young women in their places.

I am observing my own experiences. I am taking notes and names.

I am deeply traumatized and fascinated by the classism we practice, the permission that is needed to be, belong and become.

I am observing the performative act of access, allowance, place setting.

I am deeply intrigued and equally hurt by the number of times there have been attempts to put me in my “place”

This place is often lower than my own perceived value.

Hush! And get along is to get more- is the instruction my way.

I am using courage and faith to be Micheleina in every space. There is a social and professional cost for bravery as well as benefits.

Being yourself is often an act of bravery. That one will very quickly notice is not allowed.

When I read and listen to the stories of St.Kitts/Nevis in the 1930s and 1940’s not a lot has changed.

That’s what I will write about how the walk through my communities, social and political for IVY and myself occurred at different times in the development of St.Kitts. However, the experience of classism was identical.


