Dear Micheleina You are expected to win the walk.

I have walked these corridors some times over my good life.

1. As a child homeless … I walked through here

2. To care for my father until he rested RIP 🪦 daddy Loosing daddy up these corridors made me Scream from my spirit.

3. But now, You meet parents on di ward while visiting and walking, in di corridors and on the way, and remind them, home work is due so and so she tell you? Main sure so I telling you. Please call me. Yes we tired but we have to keep trying. Now Micheleina you can take the good of you and gift it. Not everyone gets a visitor or a visit. So when I notice them noticing Ivy, Michie you does share di visit. I see you sharing the visits. Bright smiles and niceness. Micheleina I see you tell Dr. Check the script again because somethings are missing and he watch you like only nurses interpret Dr.s writing. Until he says Yes 🙌🏾 yes Grand daughter. … let me add back this and this too .You making friends and be friendly as part of care In these corridors. You are conquering in the corridors The steps through this way are hard. Let me say that again The steps through this way going up and some times coming down empty is hard most times. Micheleina you are not build to break YOU ARE EXPECTED TO WIN the walk! Winning only means being more than you were on your last walk. God walks with you my girl.